Friday, January 7, 2022

Chocolate Sour Cream Cake


Real food bloggers would never post a picture like this.  Who wants to look at people's kitchen disasters?  Maybe they never have failures (yea, right).   Well, when you work from the kinds of recipe cards I am working from (actually I consider it play), failures happen ALOT!  This Chocolate Sour Cream Cake is a perfect example.  Honestly, it tastes terrible (of course it does, there's no "fat" or yummy stuff in it) and it came out looking even worse.  I probably used the completely wrong pan for it (seriously? I used a cake pan)  and I clearly didn't cook it long enough.  I used exactly the ingredients listed on my Grandma's recipe card, but once again - no clues what to do with those ingredients.  I thought Bubba would laugh and he kind of did.  He said it tasted ok and it reminded him of some day old stuff he bought at a truck stop. Then he launched in to his memory about the day old bakery we would shop at years ago in HI. Haha!  On his second bite, he scooped from the undercooked middle, mumbled more stuff about truck stop food and encouraged me to throw it away.  I have no shame, truth is, I am sure every cook has had at least one disaster.  I had to share - not everything is rosy when you are working through a bunch of recipe cards like I have.

I am thinking who ever gave her this recipe told her what to do, so she didn't need to write instructions, and I  also think she skipped something - guessing she never really made this one.

For the record, it looked good for a few minutes, before it sunk and before I tried to break it free from the pan.  I know better, but it's kind of fun to just do what the recipe card says.

See what I mean?

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