Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Window Washing Compound

Nothing to see here.  Well actually - maybe I should say something like - no dirt to read or see here or maybe better yet - there will be lot's to see after you use my Grandma's Window Washing Compound!

I haven't had much time to do any cooking because I have had a bunch of yard work to catch up on.  Add to that, I found myself cooking for my friends, making them pans of lasagne after one of them broke her ankle and tail bone and the other dislocated her elbow. All with in about the same week and that's more than enough cooking for a week.  Now, I love these friends, but to be honest, I might keep my distance for a week or two - I don't want any of their bad luck to rub off on me - no matter how lucky I feel to have them as friends - they are just on a streak of unfortunate accidents [if you call riding big, fast horses and tangling with snakes in the wild (hehe-there's more to both these stories but to protect the innocent I'll stop here) accidents].

I have several recipes lined up to tackle, but this one doesn't require any cooking - which is right up my alley these days.  You just need a couple of ingredients and you'll have a gallon of home made window cleaner. Not such a bad idea in this time of sky-rocketing inflation.

Window Washing Compound

2 c. ammonia
1 pt. rubbing alcohol
1 tsp. dish washing detergent
Enough water for one gallon

That's it!  Apparently no directions needed.  I may have to give this one a try.  If you try it before me - send me a comment or drop me a note.

PS.  I am not gonna ask Bubba to taste test this one.๐Ÿ˜

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