I posted about this card back in 2010. I guess it really caught my eye. I was going to delete this post but I decided to keep it. My thoughts are similar 10 years later. This one is more about the little picture cut out of a boy on the recipe card. Who is this boy? Is he a relative (an Uncle? Nephew? My Grandpa?) Why did she go to the trouble to cut it out and paste it on this recipe card? Was it a favorite of the person? Who knows. I sure wish we had gone through these while she was alive. I would love to understand this. It's a mystery I'll probably never solve. Maybe I should retitle this "Mystery Chocolate Cake". It has four easy steps, designated by roman numerals. I find this unique as well.
This recipe calls for scalding the milk - I have done that for bread, but not for cake. I decided to find out some history behind scalding milk. The process is simply heating up the milk to just before it boils. In the past, this was done before milk was pasteurized - a safety thing I guess. Today it is commonly done when baking bread and activating yeast. Other reasons for scalding milk include infusing the milk with other flavors (in this case the cocoa powder) or for efficiency in dissolving sugar and butter. This cake recipe also calls for a "Scant" cup of sugar. Interesting that "barely sufficient" or "filling short of a specific measure" is key to a recipe - another one of those recipe mysteries. Never mind time and temperature with this recipe. I'm sure those things were just assumed to be known.
Chocolate Cake
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